Leaf Removal & Fall Clean Ups, Madison Wi

Leaf removal services of Madison WI, from raking leaves to clearing beds, we can do it all. Fall cleanups include: pruning perennials and shrubs, clearing dead foliage, leaf/debris collection and removal, and blowing of plant beds. Trimming back the plants and shrubs helps remove overgrowth or damaged areas and helps new growth in the spring. Serving Madison, FitchburgVeronaMiddletonSun Prairie & more. 


Fall Clean-Up Services, 100% All Electric

Fall brings cleanups, our fall cleanup and leaf removal services in Madison will ensure your lawn is raked, and debris and clutter are removed to keep your landscape looking great all year round! If you just need cleanup for a neglected lawn, we can take care of that too! 



Commercial & Residential

We also do a final mowing, at a shorter height as diseases have a harder time with shorter grass over winter. Cutting short will help deter snow mold.  Leaf provides your lawn with a neat and clean appearance. It is recommended to clean up yards twice a year, once in the spring and another in the fall. If you have any special requests for your fall cleanup, let us know as we can tailor our services to accommodate your needs.

Leaf Removal ServicesGreen Mowers LLC

Our fall clean-up service uses the best electric equipment and has the experience to make leaf removal a breeze. Your lawn will be clean and look great, with your back feeling like a million bucks!


 Leaves, weeds, and sticks get embedded in the soil or even cover your flowerbeds. Our services will clear your beds so your flowers, shrubs and trees can breathe again. At the same time, your lawn service will divide and transplant perennials, as well as pull weeds and tree sprouts.