Fitchburg WI Lawn Care

Organic & Eco!


Fitchburg Wi lawn care and mowing service, Green Mowers LLC is eco-friendly and all-electric making little noise. Our lawn care services include lawn aerating, mulching, and yard treatments.

We use organic materials and all-electric lawn equipment with low noise levels no louder than light traffic. We take pride in making each property in Fitchburg Wi looking beautiful for that great curb appeal. Keeping Fitchburg Wisconsin's air and lakes clean with our eco-friendly mowing and organic lawn care. Let us make your property look great while keeping Fitchburg Wi clean with our organic lawn care service.

Aerating Service

Our aeration treatment is a great method for a lush lawn. Aerating decompresses the soil, dethatches, and gives nutrient absorption.

Organic Treatments

Our organic yard treatments include aerating, weed control, fertilizing, insect control, overseeding, and more. 

Mulch Install

For mulching commercial or residential properties. No matter how big the property we have the right tools for the job.