Review, EGO Z6 Zero Turn Mower
Review of the Ego Z6 zero-turn mower by Green Mowers. We have used both 52-inch and 42-inch Z6 Ego Z6 zero-turn mowers for two sessions commercially for this review to tell the pros and cons of this Ego Z6 zero-turn.
Batter Life,
The Ego Z6 zero-turn mower battery life depends on how you use it, the terrain, and the conditions. On one charge we found the 52-inch Ego Z6 zero-turn mower can handle 6 average sized midwest homes. For open fields from weekly maintenance, we found it can handle up to three acres of healthy turf and two acres for very high-growth areas usually seen in May. The stock 42-inch Ego Z6 zero-turn mower with its four 10AH batteries is about 50% less capable than the 52-inch. Keep in mind we use this mower professionally for a pro look and a pro finishing time, we usually focus on battery life last but can conserve more power through our efficiency. That said we had our drive speed at three or four (max) and our blade speed at three, four, or turbo (max). In situations where the grass is thick and long the best way we found to utilize the batteries is to turn the blade speed up to max and go as fast as you can without lowering the blade tip speed/rpm.
You may need more batteries for,
- A stock 52-inch Ego Z6 zero-turn mower with 6x 12-AH batteries if you have more than 1.3 acres of tight areas or 3 acres of open areas of healthy turf.
- A stock 42-inch Ego Z6 zero-turn mower with 4x 10-AH batteries if you have more than 0.65 acres of tight areas or 1.5 acres of open areas of healthy turf.

1, Cut Quality,
The Ego Z6 zero-turn mower blades and cut quality are the best parts of this electric mower. Almost all of the electric riding mowers on the market today including the commercial brand Mean Green Mowers have their unique design to reduce airflow, they do this to conserve battery life. The problem with low airflow is that it can result in strangling blades of grass for a potential second pass or a lower cutting speed and causes problems when bagging. The Ego Z6 zero-turn mower did it right by using a very normal blade design for a mulching blade and a high lift blade for high airflow which has been proven in the field for decades. The 52-inch with the three-bladed fabricated deck does cut better than the 42-inch dose. We are very pleased with the cut quality.
2, Durability,
We found the Ego Z6 zero-turn mower to be very durable and reliable. This is because we used the Ego Z6 zero-turn mower commercially where a commercial mower is ideal. We used this mower hard with max settings going through the largest bumps, hitting a bolder with the deck at full speed, hitting large rocks the size of grapefruit with the blades, and even hitting rebar once with the blades. We would not be surprised if we abuse our Ego Z6 zero-turn mowers more than anyone else. We are very pleased with the durability.
3, Eco-friendly,
The 52-inch Ego Z6 zero-turn mower has 25 hp, according to an EPA study, a gas 25 hp mower puts out the same amount of emissions as 5,041 miles of car pollution each hour the blades are running.
- Good Support.
- An air-ride seat.
- 8 mph max speed.
- Twice as quiet as gas.
- Less maintenance cost.
- Costs $1 or less to fully charge it.
- Best stock light Set-Up for a zero turn.
- Drive controls are smoother than other electric ride-ons we used.
1, Tire Grip,
It lacks grip due to being lightweight. Being lightweight can be a good thing as it creates less soil compaction and is more forgiving to not rip out any grass from a less experienced zero-turn operator. For more grip, we recommend filling the tires with calcium chloride for the 52-inch Ego Z6 and switching to the 52-inch Ego Z6 tires for the 42-inch Ego Z6.
2, Upfront Cost,
The 52-inch Ego Z6 zero-turn is about $2,000 more expensive than a similar framed 25hp zero-turn. However, It has much less maintenance cost and the battery life can outlast the frame of the mower to use again. This mower pays for itself if you're using it for a mowing business from the gas savings.
3, Shoot Cover,
The shoot cover goes with the design of the deck, this prevents you from taking it off without grass going everywhere, we cut half of our shoot cover off for more spread and to get into tighter spots.
- No foot-activated deck raising.
- The blades start up slower than a gas mower.
- You can not mow or leave it in the rain, light rain is OK.
- Deck height only goes up to 4 1/4 inches, we feel 4 1/2 inches is ideal.